
Date: 3/22/2008

Haridasa Thakura and the prostitute

In the forest of Benapola, in what is now known as Bangladesh, the solitary monk sat before the sacred tulasi plant chanting the holy names of Krishna day and night. Haridasa Thakura would chant three hundred thousand names of the Lord each day. The body of this extraordinary saint, who was constantly in trance, was maintained by spiritual strength from chanting, and barely slept at all. He was so influential that all the neighboring people offered their respects to him. But a land owner named Ramacandra Khan, the district tax collector, was envious of the devotees of Lord Krishna. Unable to tolerate the great respect that was offered to Haridasa Thakura, he schemed to dishonor him. By on means, however, could he find any fault in the character of Haridasa. Therefore he called some local prostitutes and plotted to discredit the saint. Ramacandra Khan said to the prostitutes. "There is a mendicant named Haridasa Thakura. All of you devise a way to deviate him from his vows of austerity."...
