
Date: 4/11/2008

Haridasa Thakura and the prostitute. Cont...

...I shall certainly accept you. Please sit down and hear the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra untill my regular chanting is finished. Them your desire will surely be fulfilled. After offering her obeisances to the tulasi plant and Haridasa Thakura, she again sat down at the door. Hearing Haridasa Thakura chanting the maha-mantra, she also chanted, O my Lord Hari, O my Lord Hari. When the night came to an end, the prostitute was restless. Seeing this, Haridasa said, I have vowed to chant ten million names in one month. I have taken this vow, but now it is nearing its end. I thought today I would be able to finish my chanting of the mantra. I tried my best to chant the holy name all night, but I still did not finish. Tomorrow I will surely finish, and my vow will be fulfilled. Then it will be possible for me to enjoy with you in full freedom. The prostitute returned to Ramacandra and informed him of what had happened. The next day she came earlier, at the begining of the evening, and stayed all...
